Friday, 22 July 2011

Monsooner or Later

While I was in the shower a cloudburst finally broke loose. It was done by the time I emerged but I'm told it was intense. Then on the way back from our evening site visit, the rain came again. Not so hard, but steady. We rolled through one intersection where the water must have been a meter deep and three men were poking at something under the surface with a long stick--I'm guessing trying to unclog a storm drain. I couldn't get a good picture, which is too bad. But after three weeks with only one cloudburst on day 2, perhaps the much anticipated monsoon rains have arrived. I was starting to feel a little cheated, having packed a rain poncho, umbrella, and backpack cover, along with a waterproof bag for my camera. Also, I know the land and the people really depend on these rains, which have become increasingly unpredictable with climate change. Last year brought twice the usual amount, and flooding, while the year before was a drought.

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